Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Excuse me, but you are??

Well, hi there! Have we met? You look Oh, no matter. Let me tell you about myself.

I am thirty-something and living in middle Tennessee. I'm married to an aspiring writer, who doesn't quite believe me when I tell him he's a great writer. He assumes that since I'm his editor AND his wife, that I'll tell him whatever gets him writing. He's right. I will. But, it also happens to be true. He is a wonderful storyteller, and you'll all be able to see when his first novel is published later this summer.

I have two children of my own - teenagers! And they don't quite believe me when I tell them that housework, homework, and yard work will make them adults of substance. They think I just say that so they'll stop arguing, start working, and leave me in peace. It isn't JUST that, honestly! I really do think hard work, in everything they do, will make them responsible adults.

I also have two fantastic stepchildren. They DO believe me when I tell them they're adorable and so helpful. Because it's totally true. It helps that they are both still under the double digit age when all the really frightful stuff starts to happen.

Now that I've introduced myself, let me tell you why I started this blog. I read. A LOT. My husband teases me, and my kids make fun of me...not because I read, necessarily...but because of what I read. EVERYTHING! I read magazines, sales papers, cereal boxes, books (including encyclopedias!) and everything else I find that has words. For a long time, I've told family and friends about novels I've read. Recommending, discussing, and even warnings away. My husband wants me to find a "hobby". Mostly to keep me from reading over his shoulder as he's typing. And, since I love reading and then expressing my opinions, he pushed me at the computer, and said "Blog!" So, that's what I plan to do. If you read my blog, good, and thanks tons! But if you find it's not for you, that's okay, too.

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